Certain items of Inventory are used in conjunction with Skills or Abilities and Add Extra Dice and or Constants to their rolls.
Things that a player or character carries should be in accordance with the Tech-Level of their origin or place.
Each also has a corresponding Credit-Level as an indicator of value and a rough guide to purchase price.
Sometimes, weapons are a foremost item of inventory. Some examples are given below:
Hunting Knife (+1D to Strike/Parry)
Damage:3D; Tech-Level 5; Credit Level: 1
Antique Shotgun (+2D + 3 to Aim)
Damage:5D; Tech-Level 4; Credit Level 4.
ACR 5 – Advanced Combat Rifle (+3D to Aim; +4D HE rds)
Damage:4D+3/(HE rds: 6D); Tech-Level 7; Credit Level 5
Other notes should also be added for things like range, notes on ammunition etc.
Protective Gear, is another common item. Armor provides its own Endurance Dice to prevent Injury.
The DAMAGE DICE of a weapon is first rolled against THE PROTECTION LEVEL OF any armor worn.
Any residual damage is then dealt with by an Endurance Roll.
Sometimes the protection afforded is specific, or conditional.
For example:
Bullet-proof Vest (4D Vs projectiles; 1D Vs Striking)
Tech-Level 6; Credit Level 4
ACA – 4, Advanced Combat Armor (6D Vs all)
Tech-Level 7; Credit Level 6
Armor of Templar Knight – 3rd Crusade (4D Vs Strike; 4D + 3 Vs arrow)
Tech-Level 3; Credit Level 6
While other gear may assist other Skills by adding extra dice to their rolls:
Climbing Gear (+2D to Climbing)
Tech-Level 6; Credit Level 4